Saturday, December 09, 2006


I grieved this week for two sets of parents whose opportunities for grandchildren look slim. One whose daughter may not conceive and another whose daughter may lose her premature baby and her own life as well. The toughest night of my life was seeing my daughter struggle to bring life into the world as her blood pressure soared to stroke level. But the outcome was worth the struggle and more. And the struggle made the blessing of that first grandchild so much more sweet.

So what do you say to these whose losses are so much greater? I think the best response is to cry along with them and keep your mouth shut. And hang in there with them in their grieving. Whatever you say will sound hollow in the light of their loss. There are no words that can make them feel better.

After the silence I can go to the Father and pray that his loving care will make it all right some day.

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