Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Saintly Work

I've been researching some of the topics in the lastest controversy, The Da Vince Code by Dan Brown. I found about this group the Catholics have which is actually a good idea at least how this article describes Opus Dei. While I don't agree with everything in the description, the idea of "be a saint through your work" appeals to me right now, because I'd rather be doing other things ( playing with grandsons or writing. And work is one of the hardest places to be a saint.)

"all Christians are called to a life of holiness consistent with their new nature as children of God. "The majority of Christians," Escrivá writes, "should sanctify themselves in the world, through ordinary work." Thus they follow Jesus who worked as a carpenter and lived as a son in a Jewish family in a small village for 30 years. "

Sanctifying work

Whatever work Christians do is to be done with a spirit of excellence as an effective service for the needs of society, working out of love for God and all men and women. Their work then becomes a fitting offering to God. In his work of service, Jesus Christ "did all things well" (Mk 7:37).

While I'm not sure if we can sanctify ourselves(I'll let that research up to theologians), I like the idea of "ordinary work" having meaning as done out of love for God and others.

The last point is that it's too bad that Dan Brown took a good thing and made it evil. He also used an evil thing to make Silas even more grotesque. I've tried reading this book so that I can interact with my work friends about the movie, but I can't get myself to read a book that distorts Christianity and Christ in such an abhorrent way.

This was the first Easter I really celebrated all that Christ accomplished and I'm not ready to come back to this world where truth is giving way to the imagined.

Mark D Roberts on the book, The DaVinci Code

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