There have been so many interesting, old things in my mom's house that we've been cleaning for several months now as she gets ready to sell it and move in with us. We found a German Bible based on Luther's version and a second or third edition of Webster's dictionary.
I remember when my grandma died and the family was so disappointed because the state required her things be sold at auction to pay for my grandpa's nursing home care. I bought my grandma's bed, dresser and vanity. When we moved the vanity drawers fell on the highway. Somehow the bed disappeared. I keep accusing my husband on that one. All I have left is the dresser which is now scarred and smelly.
My son wanted this chair in the picture and it turns out that it belonged to my grandma and was sold at that same auction. I wish I knew the rest of the story.
The passing on of history is becoming more important to me as I live with my mom and hear her stories. I pray that we can be together long enough to get them written down.
By the way, his room never looked that good when he lived at our house. In fact, you wouldn't have been able to see the floor.
"May they fear the Lord while the sun endures, and as long as the moon, throughout all generations." Ps 72:5 ESV
1 comment:
I always thought that chair had magic powers. Maybe I finally found it - keeping my room clean.
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