I still respect the president. I pray for him because he is the president and because he believes in Christ. Because of his position and because he's a fellow believer he is due our respect and our prayers. Pray for him to have wisdom to carry out his role in way that would bring glory to God.
From a PBS Frontline interview of a fellow Christian who attended a Bible study with Bush:
"And I was really taken aback by the fervor. The way he said it was not just saying, "Oh, I really enjoyed it. It was a nice Bible study." It was something deep. And he talked about the fact that when we had studied about Nicodemus … and he had asked Jesus about life. And Jesus told him, "Nicodemus, you've got to be born again." And that little story really impacted him because he told me at that point, he said, "You know, I realized through studying that I had to be born again." And it was pretty obvious what he was saying to me, at that point, was that he'd had a real encounter with Jesus, in a very real way.
I've heard many stories about how he actually came to faith. But I know that CBS was a part of that. And really, with CBS, what really changed him, and what changed me, too, is the Scriptures. They're alive, and they're powerful. And reading them makes a difference in your life. Really impacts you."
You can read the whole article here.
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